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PhD scholarship

The Faculty of Medicine awards scholarships twice a year for students in the subject of medicine for a period of 6-12 months to carry out an experimental doctoral thesis. The aim of the funding is to create sufficient free space for the medical doctorate and thus enable high-quality research projects.

Applications can be submitted online up to and including 15 May and 15 November of each year. A counselling interview must be arranged before submitting the application. After the counselling interview you will receive the application documents.

Link to the application form

Applicants who fulfil all formal criteria are usually invited to a presentation to introduce themselves and the planned doctoral project in a talk lasting a maximum of 5 minutes. Please take the date of the meeting of the selection committee into account when you apply.

When are you eligible to apply?
1) You are enrolled as a student of medicine or dentistry (this means that you have not completed your medical studies).
2) You are planning an experimental doctoral thesis that requires work in the laboratory.
3) You are taking at least one semester off in parallel to your scholarship in order to have sufficient time to carry out experimental work in the context of a medical doctorate.

The binding general conditions of the Central University Funding of the HHU and the guidelines of the Research Commission apply.