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Good scientific practice

The Faculty attaches particular importance to continuous training in good scientific practice. Applicants should therefore participate in at least one full-day continuing education course to ensure good scientific practice in the four years preceding the application. (see §2 of the current adjunct professorship regulations).

The Junior Scientist and International Researcher Center (JUNO) organizes on behalf of the Graduate Center Medicine the events on good scientific practice for the habilitation candidates as well as for the candidates for an adjunct professorship. Only the trainings of the JUNO or in type and extent equivalent events of other locations will be considered for the application. The iGRAD training courses and the medRSD training courses for medical doctoral candidates are not designed for the above-mentioned target group and are therefore not suitable.

Event offers

Good Scientific Practice (Course language: English)

Young scientists are confronted with various tasks and responsibilities when guiding students, supervising doctoral candidates, and performing their own research tasks in parallel. This seminar focuses on various issues to be considered in these circumstances, e.g., documentation, ethical considerations, and intellectual property.