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Außenansicht des MFZ I
Architekturzeichnung des geplanten CARDDIAB-Gebäudes
Entwurf des Lehr- und Lernzentrums Medizin
Fernaufnahme der O.A.S.E.

Research facilities

Modern research infrastructures support the development of the profile of Düsseldorf University Medical Centre and are a decisive prerequisite for the appointment of excellent scientists. 

These include, among others:

  • Central service facilities
  • Research and technology platforms
  • Research centres
  • Biobanks / scientific archives
  • Local networks / other facilities
Photo of© HHU
  • Dr. Melanie Südekum
  • +49 211 81-06545

  • Building: 17.11
  • Floor/Room: 03.08
Photo of© HHU
  • Dr. Ivonne Gamper-Ruau
  • +49 211 81-04618

  • Building: 17.11
  • Floor/Room: 03.40
  • Office Hours

    Vertretung von Dr. Südekum während der Elternzeit

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