Organisation and Services
If you want to use the digital services of Heinrich Heine University, you need a university ID. This allows you to access various services of the university.
Teaching assignments are an adjunct to the teaching load and are given when faculty needs cannot be met by full-time faculty.
The teaching activities of persons with teaching duties are recorded each semester and compared with the teaching performance to be provided. This is relevant, among other things, for performance-oriented allocation of funds.
When a student reports her pregnancy, it is necessary to determine which courses she must attend and what hazards may arise based on her continued course of study.
The Quality Improvement Funds (QVM) of the State of NRW serve to increase the quality of teaching at all levels of the university. They can be applied for by all employees of our faculty.
The Room Management of the Office of the Vice Dean for Teaching and Study Quality assists instructors in reserving rooms for courses.
Accidents at work and on the way to and from work must be reported to the staff unit Occupational Safety and Environment Protection. This is the only way to ensure insurance coverage via the Unfallkasse NRW.
Antje Hemkemeyer
+49 211 81-06439
Send Email
Building: 17.11
Floor/room: 01.16
Office Hours
8:30 am - 1:00 pm
On site:
Mo, Tue, Thu 9 am - 1 pm
Wed 1 pm - 3:30 pm