Medicinal Didactics
The employees in "Medical Didactics" promote the professionalization of teachers in medical didactics through qualification, consultation and cooperation.
Qualification: In various training courses, the team prepares newly hired teachers for their tasks in the Düsseldorf Curriculum Medicine. Didactic workshops on various settings (plenary didactics, small group didactics, clinical teaching) and aspects (effective use of media, examinations, scientificity) of medical teaching complete the offer. In addition, training courses are offered as needed to prepare teachers for specific requirements (e.g. new teaching formats). "Medical Didactics" also offers didactic qualification to student teachers ("Peer Tutors") within the framework of an elective subject that is currently being developed.
Consulting: In addition to the diverse training offers, didactic consulting is an important pillar that teachers can take advantage of at any time if they want to improve individual courses or strive for curricular changes. The "Medical Didactics" team is available to the entire faculty to provide advice as needed.
Collaboration: The employees in "Medical Didactics" promote the further development of medical didactic training concepts through intensive collaboration. On the one hand, teaching innovations in Düsseldorf are accompanied by educational science. On the other hand, continuing education concepts are continuously developed through intensive exchange with the Service Center for Good Teaching and Learning (SeLL) at HHU, the Medical Didactics Commission of the NRW State Academy for Medical Education (LAMA), which is coordinated by the Medical Didactics Division, and the Medical Didactics Network (MDN) of the Medical Faculty Association (MFT).
Head of Medicinal Didactics
Floor/Room: 01.16
Medical Didactics
Floor/Room: 00.11
Medical Didactics (Research Assistant)
Floor/Room: 00.11