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Performance-based allocation of funds

The aim of performance-based allocation of funds (LOM) is to reward top performers and create competitive incentives to increase performance in research and teaching. In the so-called state-LOM, the seven faculties in North Rhine-Westphalia compete with each other, while the focus of the Faculty of Medicine of Düsseldorf's internal LOM is on the individual institutes and clinics.

In the faculty-internal LOM, 20% of the material costs for research and teaching are currently distributed on a performance-oriented basis. The same parameters are used as for the LOM of the state of NRW.

As with the state LOM, 5% of these funds are deducted from the faculty-internal LOM and distributed according to the promotion of women in the academic field.

The remaining funds are allocated according to the following criteria:

  • 30% according to the third-party funds spent
  • 45% according to publication performance
  • 25 % distributed on the basis of teaching performance

The criteria listed above are weighted differently:

Third-party funding

The third-party funds spent in the last three years are included in the calculation. The last year is weighted 3 times, the year before last 2 times and two years before last 1 time.

A further weighting of the third-party funds is carried out on the basis of the different third-party funders:

  • DFG funds spent are included in the calculation with a factor of 5
  • peer-reviewed third-party funds (ministries, EU & peer-reviewed foundations) are weighted with a factor of 3
  • Contract research and non-refereed foundations with a factor of 1


All publications of the Faculty of Medicine are recorded in the online database EvaLuna. The publications recorded here from the five-year period are evaluated according to a cumulative citation score, the "pJCS value (publication type-specific journal citation score) citation score".

EvaLuna online database

Project management bonus

The project management bonus can be granted for acquired third-party funds that have been preceded by a recognised review procedure (no industrial funds).
As a rule, the bonus is paid in the last quarter of the respective year and automatically, without the need to submit an application.

The bonus may be spent in accordance with the procurement regulations of the UKD and the MF, revision 5 as of 25.02.2021.