First Glance
Getting started in teaching is always new territory, and in Düsseldorf we do some things differently than you might be used to, for example in our model degree program. For a quick start, here is a brief summary of the most important aspects.
Each subject and study block has a block coordinator. The block coordinator organizes and coordinates the teaching within the respective block, is responsible for the timetable and is the contact person for students and teachers.
Each clinic and institute appoints a person as teaching coordinator. This person coordinates teaching in the respective subject and/or practice block. If you have any questions or problems concerning teaching, you can contact the teaching coordinator of your clinic or institute.
Teaching assignments are an adjunct to the teaching load and are given when faculty needs cannot be met by full-time faculty.
The Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine is headed by the Vice Dean for Teaching and Academic Quality. Here you will find all contact persons from study organization and examination coordination to the further development of studies and teaching.
On the K-drive in the "Teaching" folder, all employees can find information and materials (overviews, teaching videos, training materials, ...) on studying and teaching.
As physicians, you are experts, communicators, managers - in short, you combine various competencies in one person every day. In order for our graduates to meet these requirements, the teaching of knowledge, skills and attitudes in our courses is no longer oriented to the subject matter, but to the learning outcome. We have derived eight areas of competence from the graduate profile laid down in the teaching mission statement, on which all our courses are based.
The goal of our model study program is to train good physicians. In order to give our students the best possible structure for the path to this goal, we have defined "partial goals" on this path and divided the study program into three qualification phases. These define the respective level of competence to be achieved on the way to becoming a doctor.
The competence levels are precisely defined by specific learning objectives for all three qualification phases. These 127 learning objectives in total form the "Superordinate Düsseldorf Learning Objectives" and are the core of the Düsseldorf Curriculum Medicine. They characterize in detail the increase in knowledge, skills and attitudes to be achieved by our students on their way to becoming doctors.
Our didactic concept is based on a new distribution of the teaching and learning material, which is no longer divided into individual subjects, but is taught with reference to the respective medical subject complex, to specific body regions or contexts.
Practice Lessons
The clinical elective covers the first two years of study and teaches the basics of anamnesis and physical examination with reference to the respective subject block.
The techniques that are trained in the clinical traineeship course are applied by our students to real patients in the patient internships, which take place in the practices of established teaching physicians. The three patient internships are spread over the first three years of study.
During the four-week practical blocks, teaching takes place on the wards and in the outpatient departments as patient-oriented training. The students pass through the various clinics of the UKD or academic teaching hospitals on a weekly basis and are actively integrated by you into the everyday work of a doctor through teaching and learning formats such as bedside teaching or learning on treatment occasions. The focus here is on structured, clinical-practical training and the integration of theory in practice.
With a total of 476 hours, bedside teaching (UaK) is the central training element in the practice blocks. To develop clinical expertise, students work out and reflect on diagnostic, differential diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in groups of six (patient demonstration) or three (teaching with patient examination) under medical supervision on a case-by-case basis. Your guidance and feedback as responsible physicians are essential here!
There are a number of universal medical procedures and processes that every future physician should be able to perform. You teach these clinical-practical skills to students during the UaK and test them at the end of the practice block week in the form of a Mini-CEX (Mini-Clinical Examination).
Learning on treatment occasions is an innovative teaching and learning format introduced with the Düsseldorf Curriculum Medicine in the practice block. Based on the respective treatment occasion, the students work independently on at least 65 real patient cases in the wards and outpatient departments in addition to the UaK. The focus is on the interdisciplinary anamnesis and the physical examination of previously unknown patients, based on the reason for treatment.
Feedback sheets give you the opportunity to evaluate the students' performance within the practical blocks in a structured way using predefined criteria. All teachers and students can view the feedback sheets and thus also the respective horizon of expectations in advance. You will find them on the K-drive in the folder "Teaching".
The medically supervised case conference offers the opportunity to discuss a selected patient case in detail in the group per practice block. The students are experts for their respective patient cases, while you, as the lecturer, are part of the group and act as a superior expert in medical thinking and action, detached from your respective specialty.
At the end of each subject and study block, there is an interdisciplinary final examination in which the contents of the previous block are examined. Since many subjects extend over several blocks, the respective examination questions are also distributed over several block final examinations.
The Intermediate Medical Examination is completed in our model study program at the end of the third year of study and formally corresponds to the First Section of the Medical Examination (M1). It consists of the cumulative written block final examinations of study years 1-3 as well as an interdisciplinary oral examination and a clinical-practical examination in the form of an OSCE at the end of the third study year.