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Applaudierendes Publikum bei der Lehrpreisverleihung für Medizin

Teaching Award

Good teaching should be rewarded! For this reason, the Faculty of Medicine annually awards teaching prizes to particularly committed lecturers in the courses of study in medicine and dentistry. All lecturers at the Faculty of Medicine can be nominated. The prizes are awarded by a jury.

Up to three prizes of €5,000 each will be awarded. Norminations are possible for the teachers of the study programs Human Medicine and Dentistry as well as the master study programs Translational Neurosciences, Molecular Biomedicine and Toxicology. The prizes will be made available to the award winners via the Office of the Vice Dean for Teaching and Study Quality.

The right of nomination lies with the students. Proposals from the Medical Student Council or from groups with at least 15 students of medicine or dentistry (nomination application) will be considered. Completed applications must be signed by all nominating students and submitted to the Office of the Vice Dean for Teaching and Study Quality. If personal evaluation results are available, they will be attached to the application by the Office of the Vice Dean for Teaching and Study Quality.

The decision on the awarding of the prizes is made by a commission consisting of the members of the Commission for Quality Improvement in Teaching and Studies and the Dean.

  • Proposal deadline: Until Janurary 31st 2025
  • Award ceremony by the dean: in the summer semester 2025.

Dr. Judith de Bruin
Evaluation +49 211 81-06413
Send Email
Building: 17.11
Floor/room: 00.15

Former Winners


Tania Langebner
Teaching coordinator at the LVR Clinic Düsseldorf and lecturer for the subject "Psychiatry and Psychotherapy


Prof. Dr. Walter Däubener
Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene

Judith Mittelstädt
Polyclinic for Dental Preservation, Periodontology and Endodontology


Dr. Carsten Döing
Clinic for General Pediatrics, Neonatology and Pediatric Cardiology


Dr. Gordon John
Polyclinic for dental surgery and admission

Dr. Sören Twarock
Institute for Pharmacology

Prof. Dr. Andreas Vlachos
Institute of Anatomy II


Dr. Thilo Latz
Polyclinic for Dental Surgery and Admission

Dr. Thomas Muth
Institute for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine

Dr. Oliver Sander
Polyclinic and functional area for rheumatology


Dr. Hans Martin Bosse, MME
Clinic for General Pediatrics, Neonatology and Pediatric Cardiology

Dr. Alexandra Kravchenko
Polyclinic for Dental Prosthetics


Dr. Simone Weyers
Institute for Medical Sociology

PD Dr. Matthias Hofer
Basic abdominal sonography course


Prof. Dr. Dieter Schumacher
Physics for Physicians

Prof. Dr. Harald Rieder
Institute for human genetics