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Commissioner for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses

"Studying without disabilities" - Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf has set itself the goal of implementing this motto. The right of people with disabilities or chronic illnesses to equal opportunities and participation in academic education is enshrined in law and has recently been reinforced by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the recommendations of the German Rectors' Conference.

"The higher education institutions (...) shall ensure that students with disabilities are not disadvantaged in their studies and are able to make use of the offers of the higher education institution as far as possible without outside assistance. (...)" (§2 Para. 3 of the State University Act)

In the consultation hours of the Counselling Centre for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illness (BBSt), the need for support is discussed together with the students - be it in the application and admission procedure, in the study and examination conditions or also structural and technical barriers. Disadvantages resulting from the disability or chronic illness can be overcome by means of individually adapted disadvantage compensation (time extensions, own examination room, technical aids, etc.).

  • Application for university places (e.g. hardship applications)
  • Mediation between teachers and students
  • Modification of study and examination results
  • Applying for compensation for disadvantages in examinations and exams
  • Study assistance
  • Nursing support and personal assistance in everyday life
  • SGB V health insurance benefits
  • Possibilities of financing additional costs due to disabilities
  • Statements on applications (e.g. for technical aids or assistance)
  • Application for the Euro key
  • Support in finding barrier-free housing
  • Compensation for disadvantages in the period of BAFÖG entitlement
  • Services of the work assistance SGB IX
  • Graduation and job search
  • and much more
  • Temporary escorts on campus
  • Information on barrier-free access to university buildings, lecture halls and facilities
  • BlindSquare for blind and visually impaired people
  • PC workstations for the blind (ULB)
  • Technical aids (e.g. laptop with speech input software, microport systems)
  • Furnishing of quiet rooms

You can find more information about compensation for disadvantages, accessibility at HHU and specially prepared information for prospective students, students and lecturers on the website of the Counselling Centre (BBSt). You are also welcome to make an appointment for counselling or come to the open office hours.