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Bäume, Gebäude, Parkbuchten

Maternity Protection and Threat Evaluation

In the course of medical or dental studies, hazards can arise for expectant mothers and the unborn child. That is why it is of great importance that pregnant women report to the appropriate offices at an early stage.

The implementation of the new Maternity Protection Act holds some challenges and the Office of the Dean of Students relies on your good cooperation in this area as well. Please refer pregnant students to the HHU Student Service Center or the Office of the Dean of Medical Studies. These institutions advise the students and take care of the further processing, i.e. the obligatory notification to the district government, the calculation of the protection periods and (in coordination with Occupational Health and Safety and the Occupational Medical Service) the preparation of the individual risk assessments for the respective student.

In order to be able to prepare such a risk assessment and, if necessary, to initiate protective measures, we are dependent on your assistance. If a student reports her pregnancy, it is necessary to check, on the basis of her further course of studies, which courses she will have to attend and what hazards may arise. Since you, as the instructor for your courses, are in the best position to make statements about possible hazards, we will approach you with a request to prepare a course-specific hazard assessment.

If you have any questions about studying during pregnancy or about the Maternity Protection Act, the contact persons in the Dean of Studies Office will of course be happy to help you.