Sexualized discrimination/violence
What is sexualized discrimination and violence?
Sexualized discrimination and violence is practiced in many different ways, this happens verbally, non-verbally and/or also through physical attacks. All behaviors and actions are considered sexualized discrimination/violence, which are offensive, humiliating, not desired by those affected by it and are experienced as devaluing and degrading (AGG §3, 4).
The term "sexualized" assumes that acts of violence and discrimination not only have their origin in sexuality, but that sexuality and sexual acts are instrumentalized. ("Richtlinie der Heinrich-Heine-Universität zum Umgang mit sexualisierter Diskriminierung und Gewalt", HHU Amtliche Bekanntmachungen 41/2017).
The Equal Opportunity Officers of the Faculty of Medicine will advise you on forms of:
- sexualized harassment/violence
- sexualized discrimination
The advice is given with the utmost discretion.
Other contact points:
+49 211 81-10408, justitiariat(at)
Complaints Office pursuant to Art. 13 General Act on Equal Treatment
Frauke Seutter, +49 211 81-17150, Frauke.Seutter(at)
Intranet > Services > Beschwerdestelle nach AGG
The ombudspersons are available to all students of the Faculty of Medicine as confidential contact persons in case of stressful experiences and situations during their studies:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Svenja Caspers, +49 211 81-12678, svenja.caspers(at)
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Decking, +49 211 81-06440, ulrich.decking(at)