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International project proposals

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

NIH is the national funding agency for health research in the USA. It invests about 41.7 million US $ annually in the promotion of medical research and is thus one of the largest funding agencies worldwide. In total, the NIH consists of 27 different institutes and centres, each pursuing a different research focus. The NIH's goal is to advance basic knowledge about the nature and behaviour of living systems in order to protect and improve the health of humankind.

NIH grants are open to German applicants. They can apply to the various funding programmes as so-called "sub-recipients" with a main applicant US research institution as a partner.

Direct costs are reimbursed at up to 100 %, for the reimbursement of indirect costs an overhead of currently 8 % is granted.

An overview of the grants can be found on the Grants & Funding page of the NIH.

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

One of the most important funding instruments of European cohesion policy is the European Regional Development Fund. It aims to reduce disparities between the levels of development of European regions and to reduce the development lag of the least developed regions. ERDF aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by eliminating disparities between the different regions. In the funding period 2021-2027, 55% comes from EU funds and 45% from Land funds.

As a rule, 90% of the funding comes from the EU, which means that the recipient of the funding must contribute 10% of its own funds. As a rule, the own contribution comes from budget funds. If the funding conditions make it possible, at least part of the own contribution can be made in the form of material and personnel contributions.