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CARID is dedicated to the following goals in the field of science, human resources, and training:

  1. Scientific research in the field of cardiovascular medicine, starting from experimental studies in physiology, pharmacology, molecular biology, and biochemistry to translational studies and clinical studies in the field of pharmacotherapeutic, medical technology and healthcare research.
  2. The bundling of research activities with the aim of creating synergies, building up a joint research infrastructure and methodological platforms according to the latest "state-of-the-art techniques".
  3. The promotion of interdisciplinary research initiatives through close interaction with the DFG, BMBF, the EU, the German Council of Science and Humanities and research-based industry.
  4. The targeted recruitment of highly talented scientists with core expertise in cardiovascular research and medicine.
  5. The establishment and expansion of regional, national and international scientific networks with a focus on the diverse aspects and application areas of cardiovascular research, supported by joint training events (CARID lectures and symposia).
  6. The promotion of young scientists within the framework of the graduate schools for "clinician scientist, medical scientist, digital scientist" as well as students within the framework of the model course of studies in medicine and molecular medicine.

Historical impressions

The following pictures give an impression of the development of the university hospital nowadays known as the University Hospital Düsseldorf, with a special focus on the surgery buildings, operating theatres, laboratories, and lecture halls.

Current research-related impressions can be found on the presentation page of the CARID Forum’s work groups.

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