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Geblurrte Aufnahme, Mann mit Mikro in der Hand in der Rückansicht, Vortragssituation

CARID Lectures

We continue the long tradition of collaborative cardiovascular research in Duesseldorf by regularly inviting internationally recognised experts in the field of cardiovascular research in order to hold thematically suiting guest lectures, the so-called CARID Lectures. Due to their high degree of interdisciplinarity, the CARID Lectures provide new impulses for innovative, translational, and clinical approaches; and they promote the use and development of "state-of-the-art" technologies in both the fundamental science and clinical areas. In addition, the CARID Lectures always strive to establish new collaborations with research and industry partners.

As we have learnt from the past, the broad range of topics covered by the CARID Lectures is also interesting for clinically active cardiologists and angiologists, as well as translational and experimental researchers focusing on cardiovascular diseases. Needless to say, we look forward to regularly welcoming our colleagues to the audience again.

Please find the announcements of new CARID Lectures and other theme-related events (workshops, TRR259 seminars, and the like) here:


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