On 17 January 2022, the Rector of HHU, Prof. Dr. Anja Steinbeck, appointed Priv. Doz. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrike Dinger-Ehrenthal as University Professor…
This year, the analysis platform "Web of Science" once again honors three physicians and two biologists from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf…
The researchers Prof. Judith Haendeler from the Medical Faculty and the molecular biologist Prof. Joachim Altschmied from the Department of Biology…
Predicting when atherosclerotic changes in the arteries in a stable state will progress to acute cardiovascular disease has remained unresolved. The…
The World Health Organisation (WHO) published new global outdoor air quality guidelines (WHO Air Quality Guidelines) on 22 September. The new Air…
Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can be used to generate brain organoids that contain an eye structure called the optic cup. These…
Recently, scientists at the University Hospital Düsseldorf published the results of a study on the development of the viral escape mutation E484K in…
EBRAINS, the new digital research infrastructure of the EU’s Human Brain Project (HBP) flagship, has been included in the Roadmap 2021 of the European…
The completion of a new active substance against cough irritation not only holds the chance of a new drug on the market, but also the possibility of…
Current neuroscientific theories interpret perception as a constructive process in which the brain actively creates an image of its environment based…