LVR Clinic Düsseldorf
The LVR Clinic Düsseldorf is both a psychiatric-psychosomatic-psychotherapeutic specialist clinic and a university hospital. The clinic has well over 650 beds in various wards. In addition to the inpatient areas, several day clinics and outpatient facilities such as emergency outpatient department, institute for outpatients and polyclinic are operated. The treatment offers include a broad, modern spectrum of therapies.
The LVR Clinic Düsseldorf has two day clinics with outpatient departments on the grounds of the University Hospital Düsseldorf, which are available to students of the HHU. The immediate proximity to the university hospital opens up short distances and shortened waiting times.
Psychiatric illnesses and mental crises are treated in the outpatient departments. Regular outpatient medical appointments can be made here. Individually tailored therapy programs can also be attended here on an outpatient basis, including outpatient psychotherapy and creative therapy.
The offer of the day clinics is aimed at patients for whom intensive psychiatric-psychotherapeutic treatment is indicated, who can visit the TAZ daily and spend the night at home.
Appointments can be made between 8:00-17:00. In an emergency, dial the emergency room telephone number of the LVR Clinic Düsseldorf 0211 922-2801, where you can reach a suitable medical contact person 24 hours a day.