Higher Rates of Psychological Disorders with Students of Medicine - Ho to Deal with it?
Medizinstudium 2013/2020, 06.06.2018, 16:00
Afterwards, the faculty members present had the opportunity to relate to the site and ask Prof. Dr. Jünger specific questions. Once again, it became clear that the Düsseldorf curriculum in medicine, with its competency orientation and close integration of theory and practice, has already taken the right path. However, when redesigning the state examinations, compromises will have to be made between standard courses and model courses. Prof. Dr. Jünger emphasized that it is important to tackle as many changes as possible now and not to wait until the new licensing regulations for physicians have been passed. He added that no one should be afraid that the examination system will change "overnight." However, the first changes are already being gradually introduced by the IMPP.
After this informative exchange, the participants were able to continue their discussions over warm soup and drinks in the foyer of the O.A.S.E..
International studies show that medical students are frequently affected by psychological impairments. The HeLD study of the Institute of Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine confirms these data also for our faculty. At the faculty-internal exchange, the main focus was now on discussing possible causes for the frequency of mental illnesses among medical students as well as prevention options.
In her welcoming speech, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Ritz-Timme, Vice Dean for Teaching and Quality of Studies, pointed out the topicality of the subject. Dr. Thomas Muth from the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine confirmed this impression with selected study results, including the HeLd study he conducted himself, which accompanies three cohorts of our faculty through their studies and demonstrates increased prevalences of mental disorders in all cohorts.
The director of the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Prof. Dr. Peter Angerer, followed up on the results presented and provided evidence that a change in study conditions can contribute to improving the emotional well-being of students. Finally, based on these findings, Prof. Angerer presented a proposal for the introduction of a health management program for medical students at our faculty.
The third impulse was given by Prof. Dr. Eva Meisenzahl-Lechner, Medical Director of the LVR Clinic Düsseldorf. In her lecture, she explained the normality of mood swings. Depression is also a common and widespread clinical picture that can be treated very well nowadays. In addition, the speaker pointed out possible causes and influencing factors of mental disorders in medical students. The combination of increased vulnerability, the beginning of a new phase in life and the pressure to perform during studies were the most important factors. Finally, Prof. Meisenzahl-Lechner once again pointed out existing counseling and support services on campus and indicated that prospective medical students should not shy away from taking advantage of such confidential services.
Afterwards, the speakers discussed together with the audience where health management at our faculty could start in order to turn our medical students into healthy and good doctors. All agreed that the development of health management can only happen with the involvement of our students and faculty. Prof. Ritz-Timme concluded by emphasizing once again that the improvement of the teaching and learning culture plays an important role in this.
Teaching Award of the Medical Faculty
To recognize those who have already made a very positive impact on our teaching and learning culture, the event concluded with the presentation of the three 2018 Medical Faculty Teaching Awards. The vice dean presented the €5,000 prizes for outstanding teaching to three highly committed lecturers:
Prof. Dr. Walter Däubener
Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Krankenhaushygiene
Judith Mittelstädt
Poliklinik für Zahnerhaltung, Parodontologie und Endodontologie
Dr. Carsten Döing
Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie, Neonatologie und Kinderkardiologie
In beautiful summer weather, the participants could end the evening at the curry sausage stand on the lawn behind the O.A.S.E..