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Students at Work

What is Students at Work?

With "Students at Work" (S@W), we at the eLearning office medizin, together with the Institute for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, have created an e-learning portal on occupational safety and data protection for medical students. Through S@W, our students can catch up on and deepen the content of classroom instruction in thematically organized, interactive learning modules. Knowledge certificates can then be obtained via the associated ILIAS test area.

Vorteile der Online-Unterweisung

  • zeitliche und räumliche Flexibilisierung
  • nachhaltiger Zugriff auf Inhalte (z.B.: WIKI)
  • (veranstaltungsspezifische) Vertiefung
  • konkrete Vorbereitung z.B. auf Praktika etc.
  • attraktivere (multimediale) Lehr-/Lernmaterialien
  • stete Aktualisierung der Lerninhalte (Orientierung an den aktuellsten Arbeits- und Datenschutzstandards)

Opportunities for Teachers

From the very beginning, we deliberately designed the "S@W" portal in such a way that it can be continuously expanded with additional topic modules. If you would like to convey content relevant to labor and data protection law to medical students and are interested in digitizing and making this content available via "S@W", please feel free to contact us!

"S@W" offers you the opportunity to prepare students for the safety risks within specific courses (e.g. in the laboratory, in the dissection room, at the bedside, etc.) and thereby reduce the oral instructions to the essentials.

Important: The online instruction should not and must not completely replace the face-to-face component, but is to be understood as a preparation or bridging until the next face-to-face instruction!

The combination of preparatory modules and the subsequent face-to-face instruction on site saves you valuable time for high-quality training!

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