Room management (teaching)
The Office of the Vice Dean for Teaching and Study Quality's room management department assists instructors in reserving rooms for courses.
- The room booking of lecture halls for curricular courses in human medicine is done by the respective block coordinators via .
- The booking of seminar rooms is done by the room administrators of the individual institutes/clinics. An exception are the seminar rooms (BC, D, E, FG, H and I) in the building 17.11. These can be reserved by the institutes working in 17.11. by .
View room occupancies in LSF
The current room occupancy of centrally managed rooms can be viewed in LSF under "Room Occupancy" (also without login): Teaching - Rooms & Buildings - Occupancy Plan
Note on the displayed semester
In LSF, one standard semester is set up as the active semester. Until 15.03. this is always the current winter semester. Until 15.09. always the current summer semester. If you want to view room reservations in past or future semesters, you must first switch to the desired semester (click on the "active" semester at the top right and select the desired semester).
If you have any questions about the use of lecture halls or would like to reserve a lecture hall for courses, please feel free to contact us by .
Information on lecture hall use for teachers
By reserving a lecture hall, it is reserved for the corresponding event for the period of the reservation. The lecture halls on the HHU campus are open during core opening hours. In addition to the reservation, a locking authorization is required for lecture halls on the UKD campus. If you do not already have the appropriate locking authorization, it would need to be requested in advance of an event.
Please allow sufficient lead time. Since the UKD's access management no longer issues locking authorizations centrally, there are currently "lecture hall officers" for the individual lecture halls of the UKD as decentralized contact persons for locking authorizations.
Since the winter semester 2023, on-site support is no longer available in the MNR clinic area. The technology in the lecture hall is used independently by the lecturers.
During the lecture period, the lecture hall area of the MNR Clinic is open from Mon.-Fri. from 8:00 am - 6:00 pm. Outside the core opening hours, a locking authorization is required.
For lecture halls at the UKD, as well as on the premises of the HHU, there is unfortunately NO on-site technical support available. The technology in the lecture hall is used by the lecturers on their own responsibility. A notebook is required to use the beamer in the lecture hall, this would need to be brought along (Apple and other devices may require additional adapter cables).
You are welcome to familiarize yourself with the situation on site in advance of an event. Please reserve the appropriate room by . If you need advice or training on the use of (online) media in teaching prior to an event, you can also contact the eLearning office of the Faculty of Medicine, which advises and supports lecturers in the use of (online) media in teaching. If necessary, you can also borrow additional equipment there. You can also obtain information at:
In case of technical defects in the area of the UKD, you can contact the fault services, order center (technical defects): 81-18888 (UKD technology), coordination by D5 IKT; on the HHU campus, technical defects are reported via Dezernat 6 Gebäudemanagement HHU.
The HHU event and room booking guidelines (12) can be found on the HHU intranet.
Information on equipment and facilities in the HHU lecture halls can be found on the HHU intranet in the HHU Wiki or in the HHU Operations Manual (item 4 "Operation of seminar rooms and lecture halls").
For scheduling purposes, for example, the current occupancy plan of the individual lecture halls can be viewed (please note the semester selection in LSF!). A corresponding description can be found in the HHU Wiki (Subject - Rooms & Buildings).
Room reservations for events
In the area of the UKD and the HHU, further rooms are available for teaching, meetings and events. It should be noted that different ways and tools are used for reserving different rooms.
Please note that usage fees may be charged for the use of lecture halls and rooms (e.g. for sponsoring, co-financing, booth and admission fees). Further information on usage fees for rooms of the UKD can be obtained from the department D04.8 - Liegenschaften (forms can be found on the intranet of the UKD), information on usage fees in the area of the HHU campus can be found in the event guidelines of the HHU.